Msetimon Daemon/CLI Installation Instructions for Linux/Unix

Example Install

For our test install we are using FreeBSD 4.6.2-RELEASE-p2 and Perl version 5.005_03 built for i386-freebsd.  If you are running Linux you can forgo the installation of the linux compatibility features as you won't need to emulate the O/S you are already running.  You must have Perl 5 or later in order for msetimon to function in CLI mode.  Tk 8.0 or greater is not required for this as we will not be using the GUI. You can verify your version of Perl with perl -V from command line.  You would see:

[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0> perl -V
Summary of my perl5 (5.0 patchlevel 5 subversion 3) configuration:
osname=freebsd, osvers=4.0-current, archname=i386-freebsd
etc. etc. etc.

Install Prep.

There are a few things you must do before installation to ensure there aren't any problems. 

1.  You need root access.  Unfortunate, but true.

This is only for the installation portion, once installed you run as a normal user with read access to /var.  Typically a member of wheel or an sudo user.

2.  Ensure you have gzip installed.  This is needed to extract your copy of msetimon.  Exact installation instructions cannot be covered or supported for this, but it can usually be found in the /usr/ports/ or be added with pkg_add(eg. pkg_add -r gzip)

3.  As mentioned above you will need Perl 5 or later.

4.  If you are running linux you need not concern yourself with this segment.  Otherwise, you will need to ensure the linux compatibility libraries are installed.  You can quickly verify this by changing to the (cd) /compat/linux/ folder and taking a look (ls).  If the path does not exist or is empty you need to add them.  This can be done with sysinstall or something like pkg_add -r linux-compat

5.  Fetch the latest linux executable from here with a browser or
"fetch (or wget)" from your home folder.  You do not need to be root for this step.  You should see something like the following:

[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0> fetch
Receiving msetimon-i386-linux-lib6c-2-53.tar.gz (1386635 bytes): 100%
1386635 bytes transferred in 18.9 seconds (71.53 kBps)
[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0> ls
msetimon-i386-linux-lib6c-2-53.tar.gz setiathome-3.03.i386-pc-bsdi4.1.tar

Setting up Msetimon for CLI Mode

Now that all the requirements are met and verified, extraction of the compressed file we fetched can begin.

Use gunzip, a component of gzip, for this step as shown in this example:

[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0> gunzip msetimon-i386-linux-lib6c-2-53.tar.gz
[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0> ls

Note in the above example .gz has been dropped from the filename.  This confirms the extraction and we are ready for the next step:

[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0> tar -xvf msetimon-i386-linux-lib6c-2-53.tar
msetimon-i386-linux-lib6c-2-53.tar    msetimon-i386-linux-lib6c-2-53

After this step we are left with the tarball, and the folder where the tarball was extracted.

Change into the new folder and display the contents.  You should see the following:

[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0> cd msetimon-i386-linux-lib6c-2-53
[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0/msetimon-i386-linux-lib6c-2-53> ls
README_msetimon.txt msetimon

The file msetimon is the program executeable and it is important you are aware of it's full path.  You can copy the msetimon executable to a directory within the path, and you could alter your path but that will not be covered here. 

We can now change to the setiathome working directory.  In our case it's in /home/zer0/ as shown below.

Note: Depending on where your setiathome directory is located you might need root permissions.  In this example we have our own version of setiathome loaded in our home directory

[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0/msetimon-i386-linux-lib6c-2-53> cd /home/zer0/setiathome
[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0/setiathome> /home/zer0/msetimon-i386-linux-lib6c-2-53/msetimon -d
Note: the exact path for this command will vary based on the location of executable.
Hit Ctrl-C to break out for the first time.

Seen above msetimon is run from the setiathome directory for the first time.  If you switch to (cd) your home directory you can see there is a new file .msetimon highlighted below.  This is your msetimon configuration file. 

[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0/setiathome> cd
[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0> ls
.cshrc    .history  .klogin   .login    .msetimon .profile
[zer0@PlaYToY]</home/zer0> vi .msetimon

You can edit the .msetimon file to add IP addresses of other Msetimon machines by modifying the Ip-Addrs line of the .msetimon file.

Ex: Ip-Addrs|,,

Now that msetimon has been configured and the .msetimon config files have been generated you can proceed to setup other users.  If you have placed msetimon within your path, or modified your path to point to it's location you can now use the following command to start msetimon:

nohup msetimon -d &

This completes CLI setup of msetimon!  Enjoy!

Any questions or suggestions regarding this process are appreciated.

Special thanks to Patrick Birkett for putting these Instructions together!!!

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